
Sunday’s at Valley Church

Our contemporary worship service is for the whole family on Sunday morning at 10:30 AM.

We have modern worship mixed with some older songs.

Pastor Tom  preaches in a practical, passionate way that helps us live a Christ centered life.

The Children are usually dismissed to Kids Church during the worship service.

Previous Sunday Message can be found on our You Tube Page 

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Sunday's At 10:30 AM in Person or Online

Sunday January 12 @ 10:30 AM

Miracles Then and Now


Walking On Water

Jesus spoke as one who had authority. He then demonstrated His authority through the miracles He performed. His compassion for people was undeniable as He healed the sick, the paralyzed, the blind, and the suffering. Yet He was so powerful that even the wind and waves obeyed Him. All of these miracles were a tangible way for people to see He was who He said He was: the Messiah, the Son of God, who came to save the world. Are you facing something so overwhelming that only a miracle can change it? 

Do you even believe in miracles? They've happened before and can happen again. Let's experience them together in our new series, Miracles.